
Why Law Firms Are Increasing Marketing Spend During COVID-19

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When it comes to law firms, there are two ways we’re seeing them respond to COVID-19 from a marketing perspective.

They’re either retracting or they’re expanding. 

You don’t need me to reemphasise the well-worn adage that the best time to be marketing is when your competitors aren’t and there will be those that will simply shut down everything providing an abundance of opportunities.

We’re seeing an increase in the volume of law firms reaching out to us for strategy work and design, marketing, and technology.

For Law Firms Wanting to Retract. Do It Smartly!

If your firm is one of those intending to retract, in the very least maintain some fundamentals. Keep writing content, keep podcasting, keep doing videos, keep syndicating them across your socials, keep regular with your EDMs (email campaigns) and keep your SEO active.

Importantly, you need to keep reassuring clients, potential clients and your referral sources that you’re not only still in operation, but you’re proactively engaging and updating the market on key things that need to be across.  A great time to establish your firm as a key trusted authority source of important information during this time.

For Firms Wanting to Leverage the Opportunities

Conversely, for those firms looking to size up, the opportunities are as they’ve always been, endless. What we’re seeing is a couple of things.  Firstly, an increase in enquiry from firms diversifying into other practice areas that are expected to grow amid the COVID-19 crisis, in particular estate planning, family law, insolvency and employment law. Because these firms are often starting from scratch in this respect, it’s created more broadly a much more introspective look at the firm’s positioning, brand, design, marketing and technology. We’re also seeing a number of firms reach out for the design, marketing and technology integration for landing pages to run off the back of Google Ad & Facebook campaigns. One firm we’re working with at present is working with us on TV ads.

Amid this cohort are those firms that know that there will be casualties and if they grow market presence they’re able to pick up new files from the wreck. On the Gold Coast alone there have been 2 liquidations of sizeable practices in recent weeks. There will be more!

Secondly, we’re seeing firms reach out who have been somewhat apathetic to their marketing and now that the work is slowing, they’re looking at every way they can to keep operational. Not the ideal place to be, but you have to start somewhere!

Get Expert Help

No matter where your firm is in the mix if you need help, we’re here drawing upon our 10 years of experience working with only law firms and achieving awesome results across every front.

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