
Why Video Marketing is the New Black in Engaging Prospective Law Firm Clients

Social media is now recognised as one of the most powerful marketing tools that helps boost brand recognition, reinforce brand loyalty and improve conversion rates. Every positive interaction on social media helps improve the likelihood of conversion. In fact, trends indicate that by the year 2020, online videos will drive more than 80% of Internet consumer traffic (CISCO, 2016).

New forms of digital marketing are growing as well as expanding across social media channels. This is not surprising because watching videos is an interesting way to disseminate a lot of information in a short time. According to the Social Media Examiner, 60% marketers plan to use videos to reinforce their marketing strategies and promote customer outreach.

Since the Internet has now become a widely competitive landscape, it has become more important for law firms to leverage new ways to connect with the target market. In other words, it’s not as easy to attract the attention and interest of readers as it once used to be. Interactive content including video streaming provides exceptional value to legal brands looking to grow their audience and boost their connection with prospective clients.

Videos have the potential to convey important information in a meaningful and engaging manner. Creating a video marketing strategy helps put a face and personality behind a brand and increases connection with the prospective audience. In fact, according to the Business Insider (2016) more than 500 million hours of video are watched everyday.

Online marketing statistics reveal that videos achieve significantly higher outreach compared to text or even photos. Online research statistics (Socialbakers, 2016) suggests that Facebook videos attract 135% more organic search compared to Facebook photos.

In shaping your firm’s video strategy, bear in mind that the profile of online viewers is different from that of walk-in clients and brands have much less time in which to make an impact on a prospective client. According to Facebook statistics (2016), 65% of viewers are likely to watch an additional 10 seconds of a video after watching the first 3 seconds. This is an extremely important indication of the conversion power of video marketing. Moreover, videos have the potential to show your legal services in action.

Moreover, videos can also be easily viewed on mobile phone screens (a smaller mobile phone screen may not be conducive to reading lengthy reams of textual content). Twitter statistics (2016) show that 93% of Twitter videos are watched on mobile phones.

What we’re seeing is that video marketing is resulting in a much higher likelihood of client conversion. This is because they make a stronger emotional impact and help law firms forge a more meaningful relationship with their target audience. More broadly, businesses that use video marketing have witnessed a 49% jump in revenue according to Aberdeen Group

Where do you start?

Your firm should always start with a strategy that should fundamentally emanate from your firm’s broader marketing and positioning strategy. In this context, I urge you to read our latest blog with respect to developing a design-thinking approach to your firm’s marketing, of which video is and will continue to be a very important feature.

We can help your law firm with all its video marketing needs!

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